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Even with diet and exercise, both men and women have resistant fat pads that won’t go away no matter what they do. Now there is a non-invasive laser called SculpSure that penetrates fat and destroys up to 25% of treated fat cells without dieting or surgery. FDA approved for reduction of fat in the abdomen and flanks, SculpSure transmits laser energy via four cooling sapphire treatment heads attached by a treatment belt to the area being treated. The laser creates an inflammatory response that attracts one’s own white blood cells called macrophages, that "phagocytose" (gobble up and eliminate) the destroyed fat cells and increase circulation in the remaining inflamed fat Since the laser heat is tapered around the treatment area, the procedure produces a smooth reduction in fat pad projection.

Other areas, such as the inner and outer thighs, and the male chest can also be treated with How does a SculpSure treatment feel? The SculpSure treatment heads are clamped painlessly to a treatment belt. The four minute warm-up starts with one minute of skin cooling, followed by short cycles of tingling heat with short peaks of tolerable intensity. This intensity is essential for fat cell death. The treatment phase continues the regular cycles of warming, peaks, and quick cooling and is typically well tolerated. Patients can request the temperature be raised or lowered, depending on their experience. Thus, the energy levels can be adjusted as needed for patient tolerance of peak intensity.

What does the patient do during the treatment? During the treatment patient lie on the exam table and read, check their cell phones, or chat with the physician or assistant. One of our staff is continually present during the treatment to make any necessary treatment adjustment, get the patient water or a magazine. What if a patient wants to do several areas? Each treatment, using up to four laser heads, takes 25 minutes. Many patients will do a second and third 25-minute session in other areas, to achieve fat reduction in the abdomen, flank and hip area, for example. How many treatments are needed? The SculpSure laser penetrates ½ to 1½ inches, depending on the density of one’s fat pad. Because up to 25% of the penetrated fat experiences cell death, in patients without deep penetration, one treatment may not be enough to cause the desired reduction in fat projection.

In patients who experience deeper levels of penetration, a single treatment may achieve their desired result. Generally patients should plan for an additional one to two treatments to achieve their goal if they plan to stay at the same weight. Our patients who lose 2-3 lbs. Are the results permanent? The fat cells that experience cell death are permanently removed after SculpSure treatment. If one’s weight is stable the result should be maintained. If weight gain occurs it will go to existing fat cells, which may be in the same problem area, or in other areas. The optimal solution is to do a series of two to three treatments on the same problem area to sequentially destroy fat cells, decreasing the number of remaining fat cells.

What is the recovery like? After the treatment, mild swelling and tenderness are common. Firmness in the treated fat pad is a sign that one’s white blood cells are doing their job to clean up the inflammatory response from the [ Laser Treatment Wrinkles]. All of these symptoms gradually subside over 1-3 weeks. During this time normal work and exercise is recommended. When does one see results? Typically within 6-8 weeks, patients will notice that their pants are looser and their fat pad projects visibly less. This slimming is complete by 12 weeks. SculpSure treatments restore youthful abdomen and waist circumference without facial and upper body weight loss. Our body size and shape continues to change our entire life, even at a stable weight.

Patients will note that they may weigh the same as in college, but that their waist is significantly wider. Our body’s normal response to dieting is to distribute fat reduction throughout the body. This can result in more weight loss in facial and upper body areas than in the problem areas of abdomen or flanks. SculpSure provides a solution to this undesirable imbalance of fat loss by destroying fat pads in the abdomen and flank without changing the appearance of face and upper body. The SculpSure clinical trials document this reduction in treated fat pads. The before and after photos in the clinical trials clearly show fat pad reduction with little or no weight change. Almost half of these patients did two to three treatments in the same area to combine fat cell destruction zones. Only 10% of patients were non-responders.

What about combining SculpSure with dieting? Another approach is to combine SculpSure with dieting during the inflammatory healing phase, eliminating not just the area of fat cell death but achieving targeted weight loss in the inflammatory zone. For our patients who want to use the SculpSure procedure to jump-start a weight loss program, we provide a healthy diet called the "Post SculpSure Diet" which eliminates refined carbohydrates and high cholesterol and fried fats. On this regime, male patients typically lose 1 to 3 lbs per week, and female patients lose ½ to 1 lb per week. These patients achieve reduction in the diet resistant fat pad treated with SculpSure, as well as reduction in other unhealthy fat pads, such as intra-abdominal fat.

Remove Unwanted Feminine Facial Hair. Seven Top Tips That Really Work. Updated on October 1, 2018 Galaxy Harvey moreGalaxy is a woman who has recently developed a bit of a problem with rogue hair sprouting in inappropriate places. Contact Author Okay, Maybe I Just Felt my Facial Hair was as bad as This! Unwanted Feminine Facial Hair is a Surprisingly Common Problem. Like it or not, the vast majority of women will have to cope with the removal of unwanted facial hair at some time in their lives, it is just one of those things sent to try us. From the odd stay whisker to a pretty impressive moustache, it happens.

Many things can be behind the appearance of facial hair in women, it can be simply hereditary. If your mother had facial hair, then I am sorry to say but, you will more than likely end up with it too. There are certain medical conditions that can also lead to an increase in facial hair. Heightened levels of testosterone and an increase in adrenal hormones will result in excessive hair growth. If you suddenly notice a marked increase in the amount of hair you have growing on your face, and it doesn't seem to run in your family, then you really should make an appointment to see your doctor. It is better to be safe than sorry.

I know the first time that I found an unwanted hair growing on my upper lip a few years ago I was horrified, I felt like a freak - which was pretty stupid I’ll be the first to admit. I couldn't wait to remove it. It sat there taunting me, I could feel it tickling my lip, I couldn't stop running my tongue over it. I felt less feminine, somehow. I tried to hide my face by putting my hand in front of it, which just drew attention to the hair. When I was talking to people I imagined that they were looking at the hair, it really started to affect my social life.

All that because of some tiny hair that in all likelihood only I could see. I was loath to pull it out at the time because I had always been told that for every one hair you remove two grow back in its place. Something I now know to be just an old wives tale. I also felt old, which was also pretty darn stupid. I guess I had a picture in my head of my grandmother, a woman who had a very strange assortment of stray hairs all over her face. Over the years my own little stray hair has acquired quite a few friends and I have acquired a bit of knowledge on dealing with them that I felt might be helpful to pass on. Seven top ways to eradicate unwanted facial hair.

This is a quick fix solution only. If you are ready to leave the house and notice the odd stray hair then, by all means, reach for the razor. Always remember to use a shaving cream or soap, never, ever dry shave. It really is worth taking that little bit of extra time, unless you want to go out with a case of razor burn. Razor burn is one of those things that you just can't believe how painful it is unless you have experienced it first hand, you might end up thinking that leaving the hair was a better option.

Always use a fresh razor, don't be tempted to use the same one your partner used that morning, male facial hair is a lot coarser than female hair and males generally blunt the blade a lot quicker than we do. You will end up removing a layer of skin along with the hair. This is a more long-term solution than shaving, if you are going to wax, then remember two things, it hurts and wax at least six hours before you are going to appear in public. Waxing can leave the skin reddened for quite some time. This effect can be reduced by holding a cold flannel against the skin for five minutes after waxing.

Having said all that this is the method I use myself, it works well and the results last for around six weeks. Well worth the pain. Hard Wax Beans for Painless Hair Removal (All In One Body Formula) Our Versatile Pink Best Loved by KoluaWax for Face, Bikini, Legs, Underarm, Back, Chest. Large Refill Pearl Beads for Wax Warmer Kit.This is the best wax to use in my opinion. It's a large bag and lasts for over a year, I only use it on my face but it can be used on the body too. I find the added coconut oil helps to sooth the skin and leave it feeling really soft.

This method is best if you only have the odd stray hair to deal with as repeated plucking can cause damage to the skin and the hair will only grow back darker and First, use a warm face cloth and lay it over the area you want to tweeze for a few minutes. This opens up the hair follicle and makes it easier and less painful to yank When you have finished tweezing use the same cloth with cold water to close up the pores again and reduce any risk of reddening of the skin. This is probably the best permanent solution to unwanted hair. It can be quite expensive but is worth it if you want to say bye bye to that moustache forever.

Always use a registered technician, having an electrical charge run through a fine needle into your face isn’t something you want to be done by an amateur. You can even ask your doctor for a recommendation, if the facial hair is very bad, and you live in the UK, the treatment might be free. There are some pretty good creams out there, always do a small test patch first as they can irritate the skin. They don’t remove the hairs but they do make them finer and far less noticeable. This is a long-term process and it can take quite some time to notice a difference, but it is worth sticking with it as the results can be very good. Like electrolysis, this is a permanent solution but it is very expensive, it should only ever be carried out by a fully qualified professional.

Don't risk having it done in a hair salon, they might be well qualified but then again I have heard some real horror stories concerning lasers and untrained operators. Ask your doctor for a referral if at all possible. If the hairs are fine but dark then bleaching might be a good solution for you. Always buy facial bleach, if you are in any doubt ask your chemist or pharmacist for Always do a skin patch test first, bleach doesn't agree with everyone, leave at least forty-eight hours between the test and using the bleach on the delicate skin of your face. A Good Homemade Alternative. Homemade way to remove facial hair is to make a paste using equal amounts of turmeric and chickpea flour, both of which are readily available in most decent sized supermarkets, and a little water.

Apply this paste to the hairy area, leave to dry and then gently rub off. This really does work quite well but it can leave the face a little red for a short If your skin does go red then try holding an ice cube wrapped in a soft cloth against the area for a short while. Never use ice directly on the skin, it can leave a freeze burn which will be far worse than a few stray hairs. A word of warning about facial hairs that are based on moles, don't even think about trying to do anything with them yourself.