User:Zen12 Review Tab

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Have you ever wondered why some people are successful and Zen12 others are not? Do you know why some people achieve a lot of professional success and other people do not seem to know the secret of success? Well here are three reasons why some people are achieving much more success than you are.First, they are socializing. Have you ever looked over at other people and wondered how they could be spending all of their time talking? Why are you the only one at your desk working? Why are everybody else spending their time going to lunch? And then, why are those people being promoted?

This is because they are spending their time getting to know their bosses. They are spending time getting to know the important people in the company. In order to get promoted, you have to be in front of these people. You cannot be spending all of your time at your desk. If nobody knows who you are, what you are doing, and what you are working on, then they will not be able to promote you. Spend some time socializing. Walk around and talk to somebody. Go to the kitchen, get some coffee and start talking to somebody new. You never know what you will learn about and what new projects you might be put on because know about them.

Second, get organized. Are you all over the place? Is everything scattered around and you don't know what to work on? Get organized. This means organize your desk and organize all of the projects you need to do. Also, organize your e-mail and Outlook. Also, organize your documents. Having things organized allows you to work a lot faster. If you are not that efficient right now than understand that being organized allows you to be a lot more efficient with your time. This is because you don't have to spend all of your time looking for files or trying to figure out what somebody has said in that last e-mail. Instead you can spend your time focusing on what is important.