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The early 1960s was a time in which youth was shamelessly exploited by the mass media. Surfing was identified as a hot new sport with a youthful focus epitomising the ideal Californian lifestyle. This led to a surf craze in America and Australia. The Endless Summer has a simple premise, the quest for the perfect wave, which is one of the defining myths of surf culture and representations of surfing outside the Brown follows the travels of two surfers, Robert August and Mike Hynson, around the globe in order to experience an endless summer and catch the perfect wave. To do this the friends travel to little known destinations such as Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Tahiti and Ghana in addition to Malibu and The Endless Summer belongs to a sub-genre of surf films Booth describes as "pure."3 These are surf films made by surfers for a limited surfing audience and typically exhibited at surf clubs. Brown's credentials as a surfer, a surf filmmaker and his association with significant shapers such as Dale Velzy would assure the authenticity of surf culture to its audiences. So why was Endless Summer so popular?

Budding surfers can now chase the swell times as they sleep thanks to a new quirky beach-geared hotel on wheels. Portuguese surfers Daniela Carneiro and Eduardo Ribeiro got their hands on a Mercedes Benz truck and modified it so that it expands into a double storey structure while stopped. Photos and video footage show the mobile hotel in action with guests enjoying the inside space, which includes five bedrooms, a kitchen, social room, and bathroom with shower. Stays at the Truck Surf Hotel currently start from just £437 a week. The hotel on wheels has an innovative hydraulic system that enables the walls and ceiling to expand upwards and outwards once parked.

Where would YOU most like to explore? Share 287 shares Carneiro, formerly an environmental engineer and surf photographer, and Ribeiro, an award-winning surfer from Espinho, say they're thrilled with how their project turned out. Together with a company that specializes on mobile homes, they transformed the heavy-duty truck into a movable hotel that they live in full-time while driving their guests around Portugal and Morocco. Revealing what inspired their design they said: 'We have been travelling for many years in a camper van through Europe and Africa, exploring different cultures, surf spots, making new friends, with the freedom to live each adventure as one. We wanted to create something different to share this lifestyle and offer people the flexibility to travel with comfort and the best outdoor experiences.

So, we created the Truck Surf Hotel that gives the opportunity to explore uncrowded surf spots with the best waves, different natural parks and mountains, live different cultures with a luxurious hotel on wheels that goes everywhere. The Truck [ Bingin surf school] Hotel operates from June to October in Portugal with weekly tours beginning every Saturday on the south-west coast between Sines and Lagos. During the winter season the hotel travels to Morocco where it does surf and adventure trips between Agadir and Essaouira. Prices for the hotel vary but the cheapest price available during the high season in Portugal is £588 per person for a shared double room while prices in Morocco start at £437. Prices include breakfast, transportation, surf sessions and equipment as well as accommodation. On the upper floor, there are five bedrooms - four shared double rooms with bunk beds, and one private double room. Carneiro and Ribeiro concluded: 'This project is all about sharing travel experiences, making new friends and connecting with each other, combining surf, nature and adventure in a new way of Prices for the hotel vary but the cheapest price available during the high season in Portugal is £588 per person for a shared double room while prices in Morocco start at £437. Truck Surf Hotel - Unique road trips! The best on wheel accommodation.

POHNPEI STATE, Micronesia (AP) - I'm panicked and soaked as smiling locals fish me out of the bay on the island of Pohnpei in Micronesia. I sarcastically thought as we made our way back to land with an upside-down kayak, our cameras and cellphone ruined. How did I end up drenched, emotionally drained and out a few thousand dollars in electronics in this remote island nation, one might ask? More importantly, here's why it was totally worth it. This Oct. 30, 2017 photo shows a view from the top of a WWII-era lighthouse in Chuuk, Micronesia. My husband and I traveled to Micronesia on United's Island Hopper route from Honolulu to Guam.

First stop, 4 ½ hours from Hawaii: Majuro (MAH-zhu-row), a coral atoll in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. We shopped for groceries for a stay on a nearby private island but ended up mostly with items like pasta and cereal; fresh produce was scarce and overpriced. After a 30-minute boat ride to Eneko Island, we spent a few days completely alone, kayaking and chasing colorful fish through turquoise water. Evenings offered breathtaking sunsets, stargazing and cooking our carby meals. Highlights of Majuro included the tiny Alele Museum featuring Marshallese folk art, history and stick charts used for nautical navigation. Handicraft stores downtown sell traditional, intricately woven baskets and bags.

45. Pricier lagoon-front cabins are a worthy splurge. For a pampered vacation, the private Bikendrik Island offers two charming bungalows stocked with cognac and Grand Marnier, three-course meals and occasional visits from the lagoon pet, Oscar the octopus. A short flight west (with a quick stop in Kwajalein Atoll, a U.S. Pohnpei (PAWN-PAY), a lush, mountainous island and one of four states making up the Federated States of Micronesia. Pohnpei's capital, Kolonia, has souvenir shops, remnants of a historic Spanish wall and a helpful tourism office. Don't leave without a colorful floral skirt, an island fashion staple. Arnold's Restaurant offers tasty American fare and Grace's Special Bakery on Nantuelek street serves sweet treats. An hour's drive took us to Pohnpei's crown jewel: the ancient city of Nan Madol.

Picture 13th century ruins rivaling the splendor and lore of Cambodia's Angkor Wat or Peru's Machu Picchu, minus the crowds. As with most of this trip, we were the only tourists. Kepirohi Waterfall is a gorgeous cascading pyramid near Nan Madol. The waterfront Mangrove Bay Hotel has scenic views and a restaurant serving exclusively sushi and chicken wings. The onsite Pohnpei Surf Club can arrange water excursions and guided Nan Madol tours. To reach some of the 100-plus man-made islets, you can pay local families a few dollars per person to cross their land. But we opted to navigate Nan Madol's shallow channels by kayak. After winding through dense mangroves for about 30 minutes, the dark, twisty jungle opened into vast, clear-blue ocean. Massive shadows darted around our wobbling vessel - stingrays from a nearby sanctuary. At this point, I noticed the kayak inching lower into the sea.

But we were by then an hour from the marine institute that runs the small boat rental business. We had no choice but to carry on. On shore we found walls of stacked basalt columns, an engineering feat still shrouded in mystery. We traipsed through megalithic ruins by foot for a few hours before starting our doomed return to civilization. The hull of our punctured kayak was slowly My panic grew exponentially after a number of near tips. My husband paddled gently as I clutched the phone, drone and fancy camera purchased days earlier. The water was calm and we're both fine swimmers.

But I was upset: This was not the plan. With the dock in sight, the boat's sway became unmanageable. In the blink of an eye, we were underwater. If Pohnpei was an exercise in rolling with the punches, Chuuk State (CHOOK) was a master class in relinquishing control. Another hour on the Island Hopper gets you to this large atoll known for world-class wreck diving. The U.S. sank more than 50 Japanese ships here during WWII and most remain preserved in its shallow lagoon. None of our stops offered much tourist infrastructure, but Chuuk was the most challenging. The handful of tour companies claimed to be fully booked (if they responded at all). The hotel had lost our reservation.

We couldn't get answers to questions like "can we take this tour?" or "do you have a hotel shuttle?" Infrequent taxis stopped running at 5 p.m. I quickly realized you have to show up in person and keep asking till you get what you need. When we finally reached the Blue Lagoon Resort dive shop, the previously unavailable wreck trips were miraculously available and, it turned out, well worth our efforts. Chuuk's underwater world is simply incredible. We swam through massive schools of tropical fish to find a sunken Momi-class destroyer and coral-encrusted cargo ship. There's plenty for non-divers to see too, like a downed Mitsubishi Zero plane and a 1937 coastal freighter lying 8 feet down. We spent an afternoon on the private Jeep Island with unbelievable coral reef snorkeling and shark spotting.

The airport-adjacent L5 Hotel offers the newest accommodations. But Blue Lagoon and Truk Stop Hotel are best bets for arranging wreck tours. As we boarded the plane for our final stop in Guam, sunburnt and still reeling from our adventures, my boat-flipping hysteria was a distant memory. It was a small price to pay for an unplugged, truly unpredictable journey and a much-needed lesson in letting go. This Oct. 23, 2017 aerial photo shows the thin strip of coral atolls separating the ocean from the lagoon in Majuro, Marshall This Oct. 23, 2017 photo shows intricately woven baskets and accessories, which are traditional crafts made by locals in Majuro, Marshall Islands. This Oct. 29, 2017 photo shows Jeep Island, a private island paradise located in Chuuk, Micronesia.

The dive shop at the Truk Blue Lagoon Resort can arrange a stay on Jeep Island, which features unbelievable coral reef snorkeling and shark spotting. This 29, 2017 underwater photo shows the hull of a WWII shipwreck in Chuuk Lagoon, Micronesia. The U.S. sank more than 50 Japanese ships in the lagoon. It is one of the world's premier destinations for scuba diving. This Oct. 26, 2017 photo shows the Kepirohi Waterfall located near the ancient city of Nan Madol in Pohnpei, Micronesia. This 30, 2017 photo shows a hidden cave and an artillery battery dating from the Japanese occupation of Chuuk, Micronesia, during WWII. This Oct. 26, 2017 photo shows colorful floral skirts for sale in Pohnpei's capital city of Kolonia in Micronesia. The skirts are a fashion staple throughout the island.

This Oct. 23, 2017 photo captures a sunset on Eneko Island, a private island in Majuro, Marshall Islands. Reservations can be made through Hotel Robert This Oct. 26, 2017 photo shows a kayak, winding through dense mangroves to reach the 13th century ruins in the ancient city of Nan Madol in Pohnpei, Micronesia. This Oct. 29, 2017 photo shows the dive shop at the Truk Blue Lagoon Resort, which offers diving tours through the WWII shipwrecks located in Chuuk Lagoon, Micronesia. This Oct. 26, 2017 photo shows the spectacular ruins of the ancient city of Nan Madol in Pohnpei, Micronesia. Located about an hour drive from the capital city of Kolonia, the 100-plus man-made islets rival the splendor and lore of Cambodia's Angkor Wat or Peru's Machu Picchu, minus the crowds.

Besides making a mental note to avoid the traffic until after Christmas, the scene made me adamantly think how much I do not want that chaos for my holiday season. Sure, it’s fun to buy gifts for others; and it definitely is fun to receive them! Giving and receiving at any time, in all forms, is one of the most beautiful elements of life. But the stress of having to shop for and have that "thing" is not my cup of The most famous and timeless holiday stories elaborate on giving love, sharing kindness, being generous with joy, courageously helping others, and spending time with loved ones. Look at Charles Dickens’ Scrooge, or the Grinch who became the good guy, or even Rudolph who found acceptance after his heroics. Susan wrote a lovely message on the website blog of Pranamar Villas expressing gratitude to her hotel’s guests: "The holiday season allows us all time to reflect and appreciate. Pranamar has been blessed by all of you. Pranamar Oceanfront Villas & Yoga Retreat is a beachfront hotel at Santa Teresa on the Nicoya Peninsula. The Costa Rica beach hotel specializes in yoga classes, all-inclusive yoga vacations, surfing holidays and beach vacations.