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Microsoft has been working on different divergent technologies. Mixed Reality, Virtual Reality and Augmented reality are the latest major works of Recently, a patent application from Microsoft has been found. You can follow the patent here. According to this patent application, Microsoft is developing an augmented reality input device. This seems very much like a motion controller for the Augmented Reality This band comes with buttons, a trigger and a finger guard. The appearance of this wand is very similar to that of Google's Draw for Google Glass. Read more: Microsoft's work on Mixed Reality. According to sources, Microsoft has applied for this patent in June, 2016 and evidently the company has released its Mixed Reality vision video.

Based upon the video released, the Augmented Reality wand can be used with HTC Vive VR Headset. This gives us a hint that Microsoft is working effectively in the world of Virtual/Augmented/Mixed reality. Later this year, Microsoft is planning to release its Mixed Reality headsets in collaboration with Acer, HP, Lenovo, Dell and Asus. 299 USD. Microsoft is focusing on six degrees of freedom tracking without the need for traditional external sensors placed throughout a room. The minimum specs for Microsoft’s Mixed Reality platform also indicate most PCs will be capable of running the most basic apps and games. Read more: Cave2 - 320 degrees virtual environment.

Part of the credit for this brilliant innovation goes to Microsoft’s Mixed Reality glasses - HoloLens, for this new innovation will change the way financial trading and analysis is done for years to come. By wearing HoloLens glasses, users can create holographic virtual 3D elements (of trading guides, stock market details, histories, charts, grids, performance wavelengths etc.) and overlay it on real environment (it could be on their desk or anywhere). These virtual elements can be controlled or manipulated through hand and voice gestures. One can open, close, drag, drop or operate applications merely by gesturing their hands in the air, or through voice command. So, is it just seeing financial analysis charts in three dimension? Yes, but the technology offers much more than that.

Analysts can now view holographs of financial data in a 3D landscape, and it also equips them with new heatmaps which can help reveal revolutionary new data insights. The users will no longer be restricted to their computer screens, instead the AR/MR headsets will give them an unprecedented 360 degree view with unlimited apps at their disposal. The users can perform several tasks - like overlaying their 3D trade analysis landscape over real environment, operating their computers or smartphones, share data, speak to a physical person and participate in a video conferencing, all at the same time. Since the data is in a virtual form, it can remain more private - invisible to prying eyes!

The created data can be transferred to laptops, and a special feature called Spectator View enables others to view on 2D screen what the HoloLens user sees in the virtual glasses. The world is a small place with these glasses. The users can invite clients from anywhere in the world to participate in virtual video conferencing to interact, share views and reports regarding financial trading, all in real-time. Gives analysts quick access to historical data of stock, trading, and extensive details about companies where they can do tick-market replay and back-testing at the same time keeping an eye on the current market activity. Unity, a highly flexible editor allows users to move the software from one wearable hardware to another.

This Augmented/Mixed Reality-based trading and market analysis is built on a solution called dxFeed - one of the world’s biggest cloud-based, fully-managed, data ticker plants specifically designed for Capital Market industry. The dxFeed employs a unique technology called QD (developed by Devexperts) to perform market data distribution function. Top companies have been quick in grasping the significance of Augmented Reality-based trading. A year ago, before the HoloLens hit the market Citigroup was already gearing up to bring the technology into its stock trading division. One side, industries are lining up eagerly to tap the potential of this technology, while on the other there is a sharp increase in investors, raising millions of dollars, to leverage this soon to be the most dominating technology. The versatility of Augmented Reality has given a new dimension to financial trading and analysis. While experts are infusing their intelligent pieces of softwares to make the AR/MR-based trading as intuitive, robust, and as secure as possible, trading companies are carefully following the trend, hoping to use it to the best of their advantage. If this AR-based trading method manages to satisfy long-standing analysts, the future of the financial trading workplace will never be seen in the same light again.

Before the year ends, we might see the dawn of another trend on digital devices as Google is set to launch Goggles, basically an eyewear with smartphone capability. The lenses will serve as a monitor where you can view information, entertainment and advertisements wherever you are. It focuses on the projection of an information layer over physical objects that you see or what is called augmented reality. Though no one has confirmed seeing the Google glasses firsthand, rumors continue flying as Norton Scientific Journal reported in detail about the product. This might be because it is being developed in the uber secretive offices of Google X, a laboratory near Google’s main campus where engineers/scientists are working on other projects. Goggles will reportedly use the same Android OS that powers tablets and smartphones, equipping the glasses with motion sensors and GPS. The eyeglasses will also sport audio I/O and camera.

Via the built-in camera on the eyeglasses, Google can stream and overlay information to the wearer. For example, if the wearer is looking at a landmark, he would be able to see detailed information and perhaps, comments about it left by his friends. And if ever facial recognition software is approved to be used in such a scale, the glasses could also enable the wearer to read details about the person he is looking at. On a more plausible and fun side, Goggles can be used for virtual reality games with the real world as playground. Though Google Goggles is said to have more focus on objects than people, an advocacy group for web privacy has requested FTC to suspend the use of facial recognition programs.

Electronic Privacy Information Center suggested that until the government has figured out proper privacy standards to protect users, such products should not be made available. Google Goggles is said to be like the design of Oakley Thump and will overlay the screen with contextual information as opposed to browser-like pages we see on smartphones. Operating it can be as simple as tilting your head back and forth. And although these spectacles can look really cool, they are not designed for constant use. With it, comes inherent privacy concerns. Perhaps that’s a reason why Google is taking its time before launching the product, and rightly so. People should at least be able to tell if they are being recorded by a person with a camera on his eyewear. The Google Goggles will reportedly cost up to USD 600, just like a smartphone, and will be available before the year ends.

As of new, Google does not seem ready to deny or confirm anything about a smart eyewear in development. Norton Scientific Journal started from a group's vision: to effectively advance and diffuse knowledge to every part of the world. Several years after, Norton Scientific Journal blog became the product of their endeavor to reach everyone through information. This blog offers a comprehensive collection of resource materials that could be perused by students, researchers and professionals alike. We are constantly syndicating journals and other scientific papers from reliable sources. Please Register or Login to post new comment. What are Future contracts ?

If you control the water, then you control the fish that live in that water -- if you control the energetic field called "reality", you control the humans. The field we live in is being polluted at unprecedented levels by electromagnetic information fields; it is getting dangerous. Cell phone towers, Wi-Fi, smart meters, who knows what else, and 5G -- all of this stuff is polluting the energetic field we exist within. We are now living within technologically generated distorted energy fields that are interfering with and hijacking (taking over) the ones we have always existed within for thousands of All of this "smart" stuff is designed to communicate and share information with everything else that is also "smart". Yes, including the "smart drugs" and microchips that are already being put into people's bodies.

In the case of "smart dust" we may already have "smart" microchips inside of our bodies, without realizing it. If "thoughts" can be implanted into our minds, where does that leave us? It's already happening -- patents already exist for such technology! Are those "thoughts" really your own, or have they been put there by someone else? We should all be wondering this. What are all those voices? Inside your mind: if you are the one talking, who is listening? And why are there so many conflicting thoughts? Who are they from? Have you ever wondered: "What was I thinking?" Are all of those thoughts really "you"?

Who is the "thinker" in your mind? This is a philosophical kind of thought process, for sure, but what if those thoughts aren't "you" -- what if they aren't your own? What if those thoughts were "put" there by the people controlling us, to make sure you keep on doing what they want you to keep on doing? If they can insert thoughts and perceptions into our minds like that, then we are in real trouble. They have already been talking about "augmented reality", which is a way of superimposing a computer generated fake reality over the original reality and therefore creating a combination, a composite, of the two.

This would be a blending of the two realities, which is exactly what we are already experiencing in so many ways. A study of the Russian "Woodpecker" experiment suggested that human exposure to low-frequency waves can disrupt the natural patterns of the brain and very negative psychological effects can be the result. This is also changing the atmosphere of our planet; you cannot introduce this much electromagnetic energy (information) into a system and not change it. But, not to worry, this becomes the perfect future world for human cyborgs to function in properly. People will say, "We are all going to die," but it's not true, not all of us; it only leads to us becoming cyborg drones, merged with "The Machine" and the AI.

Someone notify the Borg from Star Trek; we are ready to be assimilated! They are changing everything to accommodate the future they intend to create, not to benefit us as we are now or the world of today. More and more radiation is entering the atmosphere, and radiation levels are millions of times higher than they used to be; this is changing the frequency of the atmosphere and environment that we exist within. This is why whales and dolphins can't find their way anymore; there is just too much interference with their ability to navigate. Chemtrails are an important part of what is happening too, because they make the atmosphere more conductive, which assists in the creation of the "augmented" (artificial) reality that is no doubt heading our way.

And they are going to use this technology to hack into our current reality -- to take us another level away from awakening to Infinite Consciousness. What will happen when it becomes even more challenging to access the infinite levels of ourselves? What if we're not doing this to ourselves? What if we are under alien attack? And what if the invading "aliens" cannot survive here until the conditions on Earth are right for them to do so. Maybe they aren't really interested in how this affects the human race -- maybe they want us all dead! Why would we destroy our own planet?

We wouldn't. Maybe it is "their" planet; what if they are taking it back now? Maybe they don't want every single one of us dead; maybe they will just modify us, so that a certain number of us will be able to survive in the world they are creating. Maybe they will allow some of us to survive -- as slaves! Some people believe this is actually what transhumanism is about: they are trying to introduce technology into your body so that you will interface, as a slave, to the coming artificially intelligent machine that will become our master. There are people who are already suggesting that AI should be thought of as a type of "god"; they think we should bow before it, submit to its will, and give over complete control of our lives to it.

It seems that maybe they have not really thought this all the way through, but this is what transhumanism is all about and it is only gaining in popularity at this point. Somehow it doesn't seem that this is going to make the world a better place! All these years everyone has laughed at anyone who has talked about the microchip agenda: "You're crazy!" But here we are, all these years later, openly discussing it as a probable future for the human race. Funny how those people never come back and apologize for being such a-holes! You can get "chipped" in all sorts of ways now. You can get tattoos, implants, injections, and even pills, that contain wireless microchips that will eventually (if they aren't already) be inside everyone's body. They will first present the microchip to us, as they are already doing, as something to make life easier.

Yes, of course: otherwise healthy people should most certainly be exposed to dangerous technology -- so that they can use their phone better! Do we really need it to be easier for people to "become one" with their phones? Who the heck wants that? Is it not already bad enough? And evidently, it is too difficult to do things like "using keys"; turning a doorknob is just too time-consuming! Why would someone expose themselves to dangerous technology for nonsensical reasons such as unlocking a door? Brainwashing, indoctrination, manipulated perceptions, and artificial thoughts imposed by external sources -- there can be no other sufficient explanation for the dangerous, irresponsible, and unnecessary acceptance of this kind of technology.

People, while holding their smartphones, will insist that they will never accept the microchip being put into their hand -- but look -- it is already in your hand! If you wanna know what is going to happen next, it is not at all difficult to predict what they will do; as long as we don't interfere with The Agenda, it will come to pass. If we stop cooperating with all of this and start to reject this future, we might be able to change things; if not, it will continue to be very easy to predict the future. Some of these are so tiny that they can enter the brain -- maybe that's why so many people are idiots; they are made to be.

All of this stuff is part of the transhumanist movement and things are going to be coming along, little by little, to gradually ease us into it; it is already happening. You can already see it: cell phones, Bluetooth, cameras, glasses, watches -- all these things are tiptoe steps along the way to permanently combining the human body with technology. Technology will eventually be put inside every human body -- by law -- from birth! The people of the future will grow up looking like the Star Trek Borg characters, and it will be normal to them! The Ruling Elite want the human race, as we are now, to go away; they want us to become cyborgs -- this is what the transhumanist movement is, and they have been planning it for a very long time indeed.

The idea is to turn the human being into a computer terminal, with no originality, creative imagination, empathy, love, or anything else that makes us human. They already have us addicted to the technology, and connecting a computer to a human brain/body is not at all difficult. They've already done it! The reason a human brain/body can be connected to a computer so easily is because it is not difficult to connect two computers together, which is what they are actually doing when they connect smart technology to the human brain/body. They are not hooking a computer to some other thing that is totally different; they are hooking a computer to another computer (a brain).

The biological brain is obviously far superior to the computer that is made from circuits and computer boards, but they are the same thing. Are we just going to let this happen to us? Without even a fight? Don't we have to at least try to resist in some way? Aldous Huxley. That's what it's all for: to end our capacity to Do you remember how many phone numbers you knew before you had a cell phone? How many can you remember now? Do you even know your own number? If you lost your phone and had to call someone based on your ability to remember their phone number, how many people would you be able to get a hold of?

Ask some people how many phone numbers they know: you will find that most people barely have the capacity to remember even three numbers -- 911 -- that's the only phone number they know! How many numbers do you know? Our ability to think has already been seriously compromised, but it will get worse if we don't change course. If you can access a person's ability to think, you can make them accept any situation. " - John Milton. They also plan to replace nearly all human workers with robots; the humans that remain will be policed by artificially intelligent weaponized robots that are authorized to kill. This is not a Sci-Fi movie!

It is the reality we are quickly moving into! Society is being set up for a future where the machines control the humans! Have you ever seen the movie called Terminator? How 'bout The Matrix, have you seen that one? What are we doing? Why are we creating those worlds? Or, do you think, there might be a chance that we have been and are being manipulated into doing it? We would never enslave ourselves, but that is what we are supposed to believe we are doing. Is it not entirely possible that "someone else" is actually responsible for what is happening? What are all the different ways that "aliens" might take over a planet?

Not like Hollywood movie style, but a much smarter and more sophisticated military-style take over -- in a way that encounters very little, if any, resistance? Or, would a highly advanced intelligence do things in such a clever and "humane" way that no-one would fight back, and therefore pose no risk to themselves? What if you were smarter than your enemy but physically much weaker; how would you have to do it then? Maybe this is why there is so much attention on the mind, and at the same time weakening us physically. If we refuse to do what they want us to do, maybe there is nothing they can do with us. Maybe ending all of this nonsense is really just that simple and easy: stop cooperating with your own enslavement. Do we really agree with artificially intelligent drones bombing people?

Do we really agree with robots that can decide for themselves whether we are to live or die? A human race functioning at its full capacity and potential would never stand for the creation of such things -- if they will use it on "them over there" they will use it on you too! They are already doing it! That is the answer to "what does this all mean?" It means if we don't stop walking right into their trap, there will come a day when we can't get out -- we have to stop. Movies, like Transcendence, have shown this idea of uploading a "mind" to the Internet, which then becomes "conscious".

So, they are kinda telling us -- preparing the people -- so we don't react poorly to it; by then it will be something we are already familiar with and therefore will accept much more easily. They do this a lot with TV and movies. They cannot create what they want without our help and cooperation -- they need us to create it for them. If we don't create it, there will be nothing they can do. It is so simple to stop all of this madness, but the addicted mind-controlled fools cannot even look up from their phones, shows, websites, apps, games, and whatever else they are doing, long enough to even notice anything is happening. Will you ever look up?