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In 1880, Dr. William H. Bates iGenics formulated a series of special eye exercises and eye relaxation techniques. He documented different techniques like warm palming method, pencil focus method, eyeball rotation techniques, different stress removal methods. These methods are known as Bates methods. Today this method is still in application and in many countries, this method is widely successful. You can find more information about this method online.My Optometrist recently told me my eyes were really starting to go downhill. In fact, they had had gotten much worse over the course of a year. I found that, even with my glasses on I was having major trouble reading my 20 inch computer monitor, even with the letters being as big as they were. Dr. Brown suggested using a new product VisiVite Nutritional Supplements for Eye Health.

VisiVite designs their eye supplements around both smokers and non-smokers. While I'm not a smoker myself, I will fill everyone in on what I've discovered really quick: Apparently smoking is not just terrible for your heart, lungs and other internal organs, as most of us lay persons think. Eye health supplements can put you at extreme risk when you raise that cigarette to your lips. Smokers have adverse reactions to Beta Carotene supplementation, so when you use products like VisiVite Nutritional Supplements for Eye Health, the Beta Carotene factor has to be taken into account. For the smoking formula, Lutein is substituted instead, which is a Beta Carotene derivative.

Therefore, you can get VisiVite Nutritional Supplements for Eye Health in "smokers" and "non-smokers" formulas. Obviously, as stated I don't smoke, so I chose the non-smoking formula with Beta Carotene.At less than $20 a bottle in most cases, the VisiVite Nutritional Supplements for Eye Health (Non-Smoker) isn't a bad deal if it does what it says it will. Dr. Brown (My Optometrist) says it has nutrients that will definitely help prolong my eyesight. The one thing he said he wished he could have done is get me on this supplement earlier. Apparently in the last 10 years there have been many advancements in naturopathic health care, as the government has put more money toward helping with organic research for common problems.

The main deciding factor for Dr. Brown was a recent publication by the National Eye Institute (updated from the original study started in 2001) called the AREDS Research Study. He told me with all the fast food diets out there, we just aren't getting what our eyes need to stay strong. Although men and women are living much longer now, than we did 50 years ago -- our overall health isn't very good. Basically, we are all kept alive with prescription medications and invasive surgery's. So while it looks like we're living long and prospering...we could be doing all that and doing it while being healthy.