User:Manifestation Magic Review book

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When you look at the successful future that you know you are Manifestation Magic going to walk in, you only seem to want to see the final steps of the journey. When we look at the successful people we only desire the end of the road blessings, no one wants the journey lessons that make you into the successful person that you are to become. For example, no one looks at comedian Steve Harvey and says "I know he's rich but I wish I could live in my car for two years so that I can be rich like him".

No one looks at Writer/Producer/Actor Tyler Perry and say "I know he's rich now but I wish I could have my first few plays tank and then get evicted and lose everything so that I can be rich like him." Everyone wants the glory of crossing the finish line but no one wants to run the race. No one wants to endure falling during the race, scrape their knees, crying profusely only to realize that you have to wipe your own wounds and dry your own tears. We seem to forget that every successful person endured their hardest times right before their breakthrough.

The best example of the perfect mindset to take and appreciate today would be Joseph. Joseph dreamed a dream that his father and brothers would one day bow down to him. After that dream he was thrown into a pit by his brothers, became a slave, falsely accused of rape, thrown in jail, become a part of the kings court and eventually became a major figure in Pharaoh's court. Never did we hear Joseph complain about his circumstances, never did he not take advantage of each day knowing that every step he took got him closer to his destiny and never did we see Joseph give up and complain that he was not going to be anything in life.