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I won’t stop calling you, Daddy! I won’t get tired of repeating out loud, "Free my dad! My father that I love brought me up to be stubborn and named me "Thawra" (Revolution), so that the revolution would be the first word I hear and answer to. He wanted me to be a seed of a revolution that grows.. But my name doesn’t mean anything without my people, because my people are a revolution, and the revolution, to my eyes, is my people. Each one of them is tied to the other to provide love, compassion, security and peace, because in this case, the revolution is not only blood and fire; the revolution here is also life. My Dad, to me you are a symbol! A source that provides me with the feeling of belonging to my people.

You make me proud of both my people and you. For this I loudly call, now, tomorrow and anytime, on all the free men of the world to stand up to come to the rescue of noble people like you. People who bare similar names, revolutionary people like you, militants who preferred to fight for principles and to take the risks. Revolutions never die, because they are made by the people, and the people never forget. The collective memories of the peoples keep the stories and legends of their honourable sons to immortalize their names. Remember that caravans of followers took the path shaped by Martyr El Wali Mustapha Sayed, and more are still taking it, and there will be more and more tomorrow, so never feel embarrassed, my Dad!

Because you were born to die standing. I love you, Dad! Unlike other kids who love their parents, because I can only live through you. I am still firm, my Dad, my love of life takes me to you, and missing you every moment brings me closer to you. And I can say that it is so sad when the feelings of adults invade my childhood, when we the children start to worry about you. Am I worried about you my dad? If I am not now while you are hunger striking, when can I get worried? You and your comrades almost finished one month fighting at the limits of death in the continuous battle of the hunger strike.

Yes, I have to confess, I am scared. I am terribly scared, and I fear the tragedy and bad news, and for that I will cry, Dad! I will cry so as everybody can see my tears, and I promise I won’t stop crying until I can see you and your comrades free! Until you and your comrades give us back our smile. Give us, your kids, our smile that became a hope and an aspiration we lose thousands of times in every moment, in every day of your hunger strike. I won’t tire, Dad, from crying out loud "Free my dad, and free all of my dad’s comrades, Oh, you who made our days so sad and dark! Oh, you who turned us to orphans, separated us, displaced us and imprisoned us! Aren’t you yet satisfied with all those crimes you have committed?

This allows the Mesquite Tree to obtain water needed to survive in the hot and dry land of the The Thyme Tree, native to the Sahara, is scientifically known as Thymus Vulgaris. Over time, the Thyme Tree has adapted to the hot and arid conditions of the Sahara, as it has developed a drought-tolerance and is able to grow in the dry soils of the Sahara. This is because the Thyme is a xerophyte, and has adapted to the environment by having small leaves that absorb less light from the sun and are able to maintain a larger amount of moisture. The Olive Tree, native to the Sahara, is scientifically known as Olea Europaea. Over time, the Olive Tree has adapted to the desert environment of the Sahara. The tree has developed long root systems, giving it access to ground water, and its small leaves prevent excess release of water into the environment through transpiration. The tough bark that the tree has developed, prevents water loss from the tree in the cold winters.

• Two 30 km wide Restricted Areas (RA) along the Berm. 1 click here. For Map A4-010 showing the ceasefire on the ground, see below, or click here for a jpeg version. 1). Morocco is misrepresenting the situation on the ground in order to persuade the world that its "Autonomy Plan" for Western Sahara is viable. It is not, as it does not address the issue of partition, or of the Sahrawi refugees in Algeria. The information presented here, downloaded from earlier versions of the MINURSO website, clearly contradicts Morocco’s representation of the situation. Division of Western Sahara under the terms of the 1991 ceasefire agreement.

Morocco's proposal to grant a large autonomy to its Southern Provinces, known as Sahara, paves the way for promising prospects to establish peace, stability, and economic cooperation in the Maghreb Morocco's proposal is being finalized by the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs (CORCAS) at a special meeting, December 4-5 in Rabat, to discuss this autonomy that cares for the kingdom's sovereignty over the territory and territorial integrity. Morocco's move comes in an attempt to solve the three-decade long dispute opposing the North African country to the Algerian-backed separatist movement "Polisario". The latter has been claiming, since 1976, sovereignty over the former Spanish colony which Morocco retrieved in 1975 under the Madrid Accords signed with Spain and Mauritania.

First we will look at exactly what the Sahara is and where it is located. Then, we will touch upon some of the fauna located in the desert. And finally, review the specific species that are listed as endangered per the 2010 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. What is the Sahara Desert? The Sahara desert is a big area of dry land that occupies almost 10% of the African continent. More specifically, the Sahara desert occupies 9.1 million square kilometers (the US has 9. 3 million square kilometers total - Alaska included) The region is very hot, with an annual mean temperature of 30 Celsius degrees (86 F). However, temperatures of 50-55 Celsius degrees (122 F - 131 F) can be registered during the hottest days, while temperatures below 0 Celsius degrees can be found at night.

The desert has many surface configurations. There are vast regions of moving sand dunes, but there also stone plateaus (called hamadas), gravel plains (reg), dry valleys known as wadis, and salt flats. Water, although very scarce, may surge at places from underground aquifers forming oases in the middle of the desert. According to the World Wide Fund (World Wildlife Fund), the fauna of the central Sahara is richer than is generally believed. They estimate that there are 70 species of mammal, 20 of which are large. There are 90 species of birds and 100 species of reptiles. These species have developed may adaptations to survive in this harsh environment. Among the animals found in the Sahara desert are camels, antelopes, gazelles, goats, ostriches, scorpions, snakes, lizards, and vipers.

Addax nasomaculatus, known as the screwhorn antelope. The total population is estimated at less than 300 individuals across the range, with the majority of the population in the Termit/Tin Toumma region of Niger. The population continues to decline due to ongoing threats of hunting and habitat loss. Gazella leptoceros, known as Slender-horned Gazelle. In 2007, total population was estimated at under 2,500 mature individuals and was declining. No individual subpopulation is estimated to number more than 250 mature individuals, although population data is very sparse. The Equus Africanus (wild ass), is listed as critically endangered in the Red List. No subpopulation groups in excess of 50 mature individuals are found. Other ass species endangered are: the Asian Wild Ass (Equus hemionus), the Syrian race (Equus hemionus hemippus), also extinct in the wild.

Zebras are similarly endangered. Among them are the Burchell’s Zebra (Equus burchellii burchellii) and the Grevy’s Zebra (Equus grevyi) of East Africa. The Sahara desert was not always as we know it today. Research has shown that the vast territory of the Sahara desert was once a fertile region for grasses and had many wild animals roaming through. Ancient Egyptians and other Mid Eastern nations used the land to cultivate grains. Centuries of this intervention caused an irreversible process of desertification that transformed the once fertile region into an inhospitable land where the native fauna barely survive. Perhaps this is a lesson that we need to learn and apply in our modern times. IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Maternal deaths averted by contraceptive use: an analysis of 172 countries. Family planning: the unfinished agenda. High infant mortality may signal readiness for family planning. Africa's Prospects for enjoying a demographic dividend. Africa's population: in search of a demographic dividend. Family planning as a critical component of sustainable global development. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. Has donor prioritization of HIV/AIDS displaced aid for other health issues? Family planning: a political issue. The rebirth of family planning. Developing the "120 by 20" goal for the Global FP2020 Initiative. A definition of modern contraceptive methods. Modern contraceptive methods: a new misleading definition.

Modern contraceptive use, unmet need, and demand satisfied among women of reproductive age who are married or in a union in the focus countries of the Family Planning 2020 initiative: a systematic analysis using the Family Planning Estimation Tool. 2012. Technical note: data sources and methodology for developing the 2012 baseline, 2020 objectives, impacts and costings. Report prepared for the London Summit on Family Planning. PMA2020: rapid turn-around survey data to monitor family planning service and practice in ten countries. Family planning/Contraception: Fact Sheet. Design-based and model-based methods for estimating model parameters. Chambers RL Skinner CJ Analysis of survey data. Behind the curve: clarifying the best approach to calculating predicted probabilities and marginal effects from limited dependent variable models. Am J Pol Sci. Comparison of logistic regression and linear regression in modeling percentage Goodness-of-fit tests for logistic regression models when data are collected using a complex sampling design. Comp Stat Data Analysis. Meta-analysis in clinical trials. Expanding method choice in Africa with long-acting methods: IUDs, implants or both? Int Perspect Sex Reprod Health. Central Statistical Authority (Ethiopia) and ORC Macro. Central Statistical Authority and ORC Macro, Addis Ababa; 2001 (Ethiopia and Calverton. Central Statistical Authority and ORC Macro, Addis Ababa; 2006 (Ethiopia and Calverton. Central Statistical Agency and ICF International, Addis Ababa; 2012 (Ethiopia and Calverton.

The Sahara Desert is a dry desert located in the northern region of Africa. It is affectionately known as "the Great Desert" taken from the Arabic translation of the name. The desert extends from the shores of the Mediterranean in the North, the Red Sea in the East, to the shores of the Atlantic coast, to the tropical savanna of the Sahel in the south. Altogether, the Sahara encompasses 3,600,000 square miles (9,400,00 sq. km). The Sahara Desert account for approximately 1/3 of the entire continent of Africa. The sand dunes found throughout the desert can reach as high as 590 feet (180 m).

When it comes to speaking about the Sahara Desert, it is fair to say that "big" is an understatement. What makes the Sahara Desert a natural wonder? Statistically speaking, the Sahara Desert is largest dry or hot desert in the world. The Sahara Desert is approximately the same size as the countries of China or the United States. Their are 11 different countries that in whole or in part contribute to the size of the desert. Aesthetically speaking, the Sahara Desert has many features throughout the desert that could be argued as wonders in their own right. Mount Emi Koussi is the highest point in the Sahara reaching a peak of 11,204 feet (3,415 m). The Libyan part of the desert is considered the driest.

An oasis in the Ahaggar Mountains create an incredibly picturesque scene. The majority of the desert is comprised of rocky hamada which is barren and hard. The ergs, or collection of sand dunes, which the Sahara Desert is renowned for are actually limited to specific areas. The most prominent areas occur in between Beni Abbes, Algeria and Ghadamis, Libya, the Great Western ergs and the Great Eastern ergs. Ergs are frequently called seas of sand or sand seas. What are the best ways to see the Sahara Desert? Visitors can see the Sahara Desert by visiting any one of the 11 countries that contribute to the make up of the desert and allow visitors. However, if there is a specific feature such as the egs, the mountains or one of the oasis pools then a more specific effort may need to be made.

Morocco is one of the leading destinations for seeing the sea of sands. Camel excursions are used ti see the Erg Chigaga which is a 40 kilometer display of sand dunes. You can also take camel treks or 4-wheel drive trips to see Erg Chebbi, which provides visitors with views of some of the largest dunes. A visit to Tunisia provides travelers with access to the Grand Erg Oriental, which is an erg that exhibits one of the world’s largest seas of sand. Egypt is a destination that provides experiences that expand beyond the Sahara Desert What are the best ways to experience the Sahara Desert? The majority of people who think about exploring or experiencing the Sahara Desert think about the seas of sands. This means that probably the best way to experience the Sahara is by leveraging a camel trek or camel safari.