User:Memory Hack Tab1

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Most people live in this sort of reactive mode and Memory Hack letting the environment determine how they should feel. That is the limbic system talking -- the part of your brain responsible for emotions. By living in reactive mode, the synapses in your frontal lobe, where your consciousness resides, is thus weak because it's rarely fired, resulting is some of the most common age-related diseases such as the inability to learn. By making use of our frontal lobe, we can break these patterns and create new ones. One way to do that is to constantly expose yourself to novel experiences. When you're going through a novel experience, you have no choice but to use your frontal lobe -- thus preventing or potentially reversing a host of age-related cognitive decline.

Treating ADHD with diets and even the Feingold diet will have a dramatic improvement on the symptoms associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The Feingold diet was developed by an allergy specialist in San Francisco in the mid 1970's and he found that 30 to 50 percent of children that were placed on a diet free of artificial colours and flavours made a dramatic improvement in their hyperactivity. By eliminating all artificial colourings, flavourings, sweeteners (these being acesulfame-K, aspartame, saccharin and sucralose), and some preservatives (BHA, BHT, TBHQ) and all foods that contained salicylates (which occurs naturally in many fruits).

Although there isn't any hard evidence confirming that flavourings, sweeteners or preservatives affect behaviour and learning, many parents found that by eliminating these ingredients their children's ADHD symptoms improved. Salicylates and colourings have been investigated and their effects have been noted and reported in a number of studies. By following the Feingold diet you should start to see some positive results within two weeks, and if not then there may be other conflicting chemicals or foods that are contributing to the problem. Remember that everyone is different, so some foods may cause difficulties for some but not for others.