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Includes these additional items: Day 4 Lunch in Aguas Calientes, Thermal Sleeping Bag, Inflatable Sleeping Mattress, Professional Trekking Poles, Extra Porters & Duffel Bags to carry a total of 5 kilos for each trekker. During the trek single travelers will share a tent with another traveler of the same sex & couples will have a tent to This hike is demanding, it’s important to be in good physical condition. The Inca Trail elevation changes make the hike strenuous as there are three passes during the hike and you will have 1950 meters of uphill and 2250 meters of Original passport, visa (if applicable), insurance card, personal medications. Please confirm your pick-up address with at least 4 days prior to departure. There is a mandatory pre-departure briefing at Milhouse Hostel one day prior to departure at 6pm. You will receive detailed information on your excursion, a list of what to bring and confirm your departure details.

Bring plasters to cover up any blisters or cuts on the trail, you never know what can happen. Do not forget pain killers, the hot sun will take its toll on your body so bring painkillers to get rid of any headaches. Get your first aid kit here. You will be hiking in the sun for periods at a time at high altitude. Protect your skin and put on some sunblock. If you plan to stay in Aguas Calientes then you can enjoy the hot springs there. You need your passport at the entrance of the Inca Trail, you should also have enough cash in case something bad happens and you need an emergency rescue, and also for snacks on the trail. Honestly it was so nice wiping down after a long day, just to make yourself feel "fresh".

These eco-friendly wipes are great for the trail! There is no toilet paper in the Inca toilets, grab your own before you go! Menstrual cups are great for hiking as you can go for hours without changing it! A GoGirl would’ve been perfect for the Inca toilets. They are squat toilets so a GoGirl would’ve been perfect. If you’re trying to reduce your plastic use then check these bamboo toothbrushes and this organic toothpaste. Bring two if possible. There are no lights on the trails or in the campsites. If you need to go to the bathroom in the evening you will need a flashlight or headlamp. If you plan to use any devices on the trail then having the portable power pack would be great to keep everything fully charged. Bring at least two batteries because you may want to take pictures on the trail as well. Jason loves this one. Now you are ready for your epic hike to Machu Picchu! Good luck and be safe! Did we forget anything? Let us know in the comments!

LOOKING AFTER OUR INCA TRAIL PORTERS. We seek as many positive adjectives as possible for our staff. These porters are kind, sincere, and joyous individuals with enormous hearts who will receive you in each campsite with big smiles, as if you are being welcomed by family members. These are men that come from communities high in the Andes, typically above 4,000m (above 13,000ft), where Quechua is the dominant language. These men are the ones in charge of making this experience possible. They carry all of the food, equipment, supplies and are also available to support you whenever necessary. These Supermen or heroes must depart from each campsite after our hikers leave and also arrive to the next site before our hikers in order to prepare the next meal and ready the tents at each site.

Our cooks and porters are the principle force sustaining all of our expeditions. HOW DOES INKAYNI PERU TOURS CARE FOR THE PORTERS? As a responsible tour agency, we pay our porters a salary of 210 Soles for the 4-day trek AND their transportation expenses (nearly 20% above the legal minimum salary, making Inkayni one of the best trekking agencies in Cusco). Ideally, all agencies in Cusco should pay this amount, yet sadly, to this day there are many agencies not even paying the minimum legal salary. Within the basic policies of Waman Adventures is respect for all staff, which means not exceeding weight limits. This factor is extremely important when choosing a travel agency for trekking. Unfortunately there are many irresponsible companies (even big-name commercial companies that have often grown due to labor exploitation) that force porters to carry well over 25 kg and disrespect their rights. For this reason, Inkayni Peru tours will not offer you a private bathroom, hot showers, or personal porter that will carry more than 5kg. This may exceed weight limits for our porters.

If you are visiting Machu Picchu, in Cusco, for the first time, you will experience some knew things and here are some tips that will improve your whole adventure in strange situations. Choose the time: You must note that from April to October is the dry season with the cloudless sky. Since November, the clouds and rains that reach their peak in December through March. Meeting hours: The Cusco Peru tourslasts a whole day. We will move out quickly as we can, to seize the day and avoid the crowds. Another thing you can do is go out in the evening and sleep in AguesClient's, from there to Machu Picchu the next day morning. You can change Aguesclients' to Ollantaytambo if you like.

Trekking: Some might want to get walking, but it is not an easy task. You can choose the Inca Trail, Salkantay Trekking to Machu Picchu and Coffee Route. Always accompanied by excellent guides and book your space with several months in advance. Clothing and accessories: It is advisable to take only what is necessary. Water, a jacket for warmth, sunscreen, hat, insect repellent, and camera. Always have a rain jacket and windbreaker. Machu Picchu is jungle and warm, but the weather changes in minutes, and can rain, cloud and spend a little cold. Lunch and drinks: It is advisable to get the food in the village of aguesclients before climbing to Machu Picchu. You can also bring your little taper. You must ask the locals where they eat them, do not go where tourists eat or nearby restaurants to tourist sites, these are commercial, expensive and bad.

Explore the markets, eat llama, and enjoy the best experience in a country as lovely as Peru. The currency used in the country is the Peruvian Nuevo Sol (three suns roughly equivalent to one dollar). There are many places where you can change money, for example switched smoothly on the same bus terminal in Tacna. It goes without saying that always look established places to spare potential problems. You will not need any special vaccinations to enter the country. But keep in mind that if you visit Amazon regions, the Ministry of Health of Peru recommended the yellow fever vaccine. For example, if you go to the city of Iquitos, in full jungle Peru, it is better as a preventive measure you perform the vaccine. In conclusion, we explained some of the important features to Know before Visiting Cusco Peru. However, there are other things to take note, and which we will be examining in our coming posts, hopefully, you find this helpful.

The Salkantay route has quickly become the second most popular option for making it to the famous citadel of Machu Picchu. While it might hold less historical significance, this option boasts dramatic landscapes, from breathtaking mountain ranges to bright blue lakes. It also gives hikers the chance to experience the natural beauty of Peru without the overflow of eager tourists. The Solitude - Compared to the Inca Trail, the Salkantay Trek gets fewer tourists. In fact, on average 72 percent less, with around 200 hiking the Inca Trail each day and only 70 opting for Salkantay. This gives hikers the chance experience the trail in solitude, practice their nature photography, and even catch a glimpse of some outstanding Peruvian wildlife.

The Scenery - For those who decide to take the Salkantay route, you’re in store for some fantastic landscapes. This route is famous for its scenery, which most guides and trekkers will agree surpasses that of the Inca Trail. You’ll get a taste of it all, from lush valleys, snow-topped glaciers, and dense jungle: all in one hike. For some, it’s this single factor that makes the Salkantay route the more attractive option. Availability - You guessed it. Because this isn’t the most popular option, availability, price, and flexibility are better than the Inca Trail. You can often book tours the day of and save a lot of money opting for this route over others.

For anyone backpacking or looking for less commitment, this is a key selling point. The Facilities - While this route is ideal for its solitude, but it’s that same factor that makes it less popular for facilities. You won’t find showers or bathrooms along this route, so remember to bring your toilet paper and hand sanitizer. If you’re not into the natural bathroom, you might want to think about a different route option. The History - Some hikers find the lack of history on this route a turn-off. While this option does still offer some ancient history, it is considerably less than the Inca Trail. With this option, you sacrifice history for open trails with better views. The Difficulty - The Salkantay Trek is hands down more difficult than the Inca Trail for a few reasons. Firstly it’s longer — almost twice as long.

This route is also a lot higher, meaning the risk of altitude sickness is greater and the nights tend to be colder. For anyone worried about their physical abilities and comfort, this route might not be the best option. The hiker best suited for this trail is a nature lover. They aren’t afraid of pushing themselves if it means the payoff is going to be huge. While they love chatting with fellow hikers, they value the option to veer off from the group and stroll independently. They don’t mind going to the washroom outdoors and have always loved washing in a lake or stream.

Above it all, this person values the deep connection that travel brings them with nature and landscapes. As mentioned, making the decision isn’t easy. What’s so fabulous about one trail reminds you of what you crave in the other. The best idea would be to do them both! But until then, here are some tips that might help to make your decision a bit easier. Consider your interests. Is it photography? Whatever it is, knowing what you expect out of the hike will make the decision easier. Know your budget. As mentioned, different routes have different costs. So evaluate that and shop around before you decide.

It shouldn’t be your only factor when choosing, but it’s still something to consider. Know your travel style. This is a big one! Everyone travels differently. Some people prefer to roam in solitude, while others want nothing more than to talk to others. Know where you fit and decide accordingly. Test your abilities. Seriously, don’t push yourself more than you can handle. It isn’t safe for you or your guides. If you know, one route might be too challenging, reduce the risk and pick a more comfortable option. Do the research. Each route is unique in its ways. Knowing them will help you decide.

So read travel forums, travel books, travel reviews. Get to know the trails! Talk to the guides. Before you book, don’t hesitate to email different tour companies to figure out what they think. Often it’s these locals that are the best at helping you determine which option is the right fit. Above all, remember that regardless of which route you choose, you’re going to see amazing things, meet amazing people, and learn amazing things. No option is better or worse - just options that are different. Get exciting knowing that whichever option you choose, you’re going to make it to the top of one of the world’s greatest wonders: Machu Picchu!

The entire human being fond of stunt adventure and they try to overcome once in their life this stunting adventure and that could be completed by the trailing on Inca, Salcantay in Peru. Most of the time the travelers chose the Inca trail tours for their best stunting adventure and that could be fulfill by the most professional tour agency. The Inca trail is a most popular trek for the trekkers where they can see the magnificent scenery, cloud-forest, dense jungle, and most attracting paving stones, and ruins or tunnels. The ITEP Eco Travel is a most professional tour company that gives excellent Inca trail tour in various ways as 2 days, 3 days and many more according to the choice of the clients.

During the Inca trailing the trekkers can enjoy with its most dense Inca jungle trail through this tour company. On travelling this heavenly destination the tourist would see the most magnificent peaks that are surrounded by the cloud. On the trailing way the tourist would see the stone installations that are superb vision scenery on the top sloping area in the mountain that were built by Incas emperor once upon a time in the past era. The most magnificent and classic trail is rendered by the ITEP Eco Travel to all tourists that is Salkantay Inca trail to Machu Picchu which is prepared for 7 days. It leads best guide during this classic trail tour to all clients where they will get best accommodation facility after the whole day climbing on the rock route to Machu Picchu.

Elevations: Cusco is 10,912 feet (above sea level), the Sacred Valley of the Incas is 8,944 feet, the Inca Trail varies from 8,528 feet to 13,776 feet, and Machu Picchu is 7,900 feet. Passport/Visa: U.S., Australian, Canadian, and EU citizens require a passport valid for at least six months from date of entry and return ticket for stays of up to 90 days. Citizens of other countries are advised to contact the Peruvian embassy in their country before traveling. Travel Insurance: In order to protect your travel investment from unforeseen circumstances that may arise before or during your trip, we strongly recommend that you purchase travel insurance. We offer Allianz Travel Insurance’s Classic and other plans. The Benefits and Coverage Limits are summarized on our Travel Insurance page. Call your travel counselor if you have any questions or to purchase a plan. 850 per person plus the cost of airfare (if we make the arrangements for you) The balance of the trip cost is due 60 days prior to departure.

With regards to having a beautiful history, Peru is a nation that can't be ventured aside. From its ideal shorelines, Amazon rainforest, the gigantic span of rocky desert, and up to the Andes Mountains, Peru with its numerous indigenous tribes has got heaps of experiences for you. A get-away, particularly on the off chance that you get the chance to pick the area, gives you a chance to unwind and get away from the feelings and sentiments that have been consuming you. Majority of the people is attempting to receive the rewards of new and remarkable conceivable outcomes, with regards to seeking after the resources of using get-away time. Resources like the Internet have roused new creative thoughts with the conceivable outcomes of holidaying and resources, for example, worldwide travel are not as outlandish as voyagers may have beforehand accepted.

Is it true that you are in a situation since you don't know what to do with your extra time at whatever point you get to Cusco in Peru? You can investigate the Cusco Machupicchu Tour Packages to find out about its one of a kind mix of societies. With near 150 various dialects that can be found in Peru, the one of a kind traditions, conventions and antiquated neighborhood systems in [ Cusco Peru Tours] would without a doubt add more to your abundance of information. This is by all accounts the most loved for goodness' sake to accomplish for voyagers in Cusco.

This valley additionally called the Urubamba Valley was the underlying purpose of In can's antiquated human advancement and has dependably been a dazzling incredible sight with its inborn association with regular day to day existence. Spots to see and things to do while on Cusco Peru visits in this staggering valley incorporate a stopover at Ollantaytambo Ruins, Moray Archeological Park and the Salineras de (Maras Salt Mines). You can likewise go for other open air exercises like zipping coating, trekking, white water rafting, shake climbing and mountain biking in this Sacred Valley. Cusco offers a wide assortment of rich suppers in a few popular eateries and bistros.

You can have a decent breakfast with & escabeche for breakfast in the Comedor Popular at the Mercado de Wanchai. You can likewise go for lunch at La Chomba in Calle Tullumayu - a restrictive place for nearby dishes. La Romana additionally offers extensive size pizzas for your end of the week pleasure. Another approach to make the most of your visit is to stroll down the concealed passages behind Sacsayhuaman, slide down the stones and have an outing below the trees next to Qengo from cusco private tours. With Cusco abundant resources, you can shop with joy on ends of the week at the Plaza Tupac Amaru. You likewise have an amazing background on Saturday mornings at the bootlegger market in Baratillo - a place where you can have fantastic deals.

There really are very few transport options available around Machu Picchu, and unless you are planning to arrive via the Inca Trail, you will probably travel into the adjacent town of Aguas Calientes by train. From Aguas Calientes, it is possible to travel to Machu Picchu on foot, heading to the Puente Ruinas, crossing the Rio Urubamba and then finally trekking a steep 2-km / 1.5-mile slope. However, most tourists arriving in Aguas Calientes prefer to travel to Machu Picchu using convenient bus transport. Hourly buses travel to Machu Picchu, which is around 8 km / 5 miles away and reached along a winding mountain road, with a journey time of approximately 15 minutes.

If you are intending to fly into the Machu Picchu area, then the closest airport of any significance is the Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport, which is located on the southerly outskirts of Cusco. Daily flights arrive here from many domestic Peruvian cities, such as Arequipa, Juliaca, Lima and others, while there are also services to Bolivia. The main airlines are Aerosur, LAN, TACA and Star Peru. Worth noting, flights at Alejandro Velasco Astete Airport are frequently overbooked, and so it would be sensible to confirm your seat three days before flying, and then again the day before, with an early check-in being advisable.

Renting a car around Machu Picchu is not really an option, unless you are basing yourself in Cusco. Book your Cuzco Car Rental here. Buses run from as early as 05:30, allowing early birds to enjoy a spectacular view of the ruins, illuminated by the sunrise, and return when they are full with passengers. Extra buses are laid on at midday, to cope with the influx of tourists arriving at Aguas Calientes by train, with the latest buses returning down the mountain at around 17:30 or Buses depart from a prominent local ticket office, which is located on the main road. Most people choose to travel into Aguas Calientes by train, arriving from Cusco, Ollantaytambo and other locations.

The Puente Ruinas train station forms the end of the line and lies on the easterly side of Aguas Calientes, close to the handicrafts market, the northern banks of the Rio Urubamba and the Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel. Tickets can be purchased at the Puente Ruinas station, although during the high season, advance reservations will likely be needed. Trains from Cusco travel to Aguas Calientes in around four hours, while from Ollantaytambo, the journey time is just one and a half hours. Basic backpacker train transport between Cusco and Aguas Calientes takes a little longer, although it is considerably cheaper.

You need to explore Machu Pichu at least once in your lifetime to enjoy its impeccable beauty. It is more beautiful than you imagined. So, you can plan a trip to enjoy the panoramic views of the mountains and mesmerize yourself in the secluded and pleasant So, why you wait? Choose the best Inca Trail Trekking Company to clinch the few permits available to explore pleasant panoramic views of the mountaintops with your friends and family members. Only 500 persons are allowed in a day for the 4 day trek in the ancient citadel of Peru. So, you need to approach the tour operator well in advance to secure your travel plan.

The tour operators will help to get the permits for trekking in the months of April and March. The best Inca Trail Trekking Company should provide the nice accommodation for comfortable sleeping, yummy and delicious food, and provide all the necessary arrangements for a safe trekking your family. It should also treat the porters and animals The Inca Trail Trekking tour operator should provide a knowledgeable and friendly guide to make your trip a pleasant one. The guide will be able to show you each and every corner of Machu Pichu and adjacent The tour operator does not overcharge for the services.